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Truong L, Chen YW, Barrere-Cain R, Levenson MT, Shuck K, Xiao W, da Veiga Beltrame E, Panter B, Reich E, Sternberg PW, Yang X, Allard P. Single-nucleus resolution mapping of the adult C. elegans and its application to elucidate inter- and trans-generational response to alcohol.

Cell Rep. 2023 Jun 27;42(6):112535. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.112535. Epub 2023 May 23.


Verdikt R, Armstrong AA, Allard P. Transgenerational inheritance and its modulation by environmental cues. Curr Top Dev Biol. 2023;152:31-76. doi: 10.1016/bs.ctdb.2022.10.002. Epub 2022 Nov 14.

Le Goff A, Louvel S, Boullier H, Allard P. Toxicoepigenetics for Risk Assessment: Bridging the Gap Between Basic and Regulatory Science.

Epigenet Insights. 2022 Jul 15;15:25168657221113149. doi: 10.1177/25168657221113149. eCollection 2022.


Ooi SKT, Jiang H, Kang Y, Allard P. Examining the Developmental Trajectory of an in Vitro Model of Mouse Primordial Germ Cells following Exposure to Environmentally Relevant Bisphenol A Levels. Environ Health Perspect. 2021 Sep;129(9):97013. doi: 10.1289/EHP8196 *

*Featured in "Off to a Rough Start: Environmental Exposures May Alter Germ Cell Development"

Shafer CM, Tseng A, Allard P, McEvoy MM. Strength of Cu-efflux response in E. coli coordinates metal resistance in C. elegans and contributes to the severity of environmental toxicity. J Biol Chem. 2021 Aug 7:101060. doi: 10.1016/j.jbc.2021.101060.

Verdikt R, Allard P. Metabolo-epigenetics: The interplay of metabolism and epigenetics during early germ cells development. Biol Reprod. 2021 Jun 16:ioab118. doi: 10.1093/biolre/ioab118.

Le Goff A, Allard P, Landecker H. Heritable changeability: Epimutation and the legacy of negative definition in epigenetic concepts. Stud Hist Philos Sci. 2021 Apr;86:35-46. doi: 10.1016/j.shpsa.2020.12.006.

Wang HD, Allard P. Challenging dogmas: How transgenerational epigenetics reshapes our views on life. J Exp Zool A Ecol Integr Physiol. 2021 Apr 26. doi: 10.1002/jez.2465.


Bline AP, Le Goff A, Allard P. What is lost in the Weismann Barrier? J. Dev Bio. 2020 Dec 16;8(4):35. doi: 10.3390/jdb8040035.

Barrere-Cain R, Allard P. A forgotten dimension: why aging is an important factor to examine in environmental epigenetics. Epigenetics Insights. 2020 Aug 5;13:2516865720947014. doi: 10.1177/2516865720947014

Liu J, Yu C, Doherty TM, Akbari O, Allard P, Rehan VK. Perinatal nicotine exposure-induced transgenerational asthma: Effects of reexposure in F1 gestation. FASEB J. 2020 Jul 12. doi: 10.1096/fj.201902386R.

Lin Y, Qiu X, Liu J, Tseng CH, Allard P, Araujo JA, Zhu Y. Different temporal trends of exposure to Bisphenol A among international travelers between Los Angeles and Beijing. Environ Int. 2020 May 8;141:105758. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2020.105758

Lee H, Huang AY, Wang LK, Yoon AJ, Renteria G, Eskin A, Signer RH, Dorrani N, Nieves-Rodriguez S, Wan J, Douine ED, Woods JD, Dell'Angelica EC, Fogel BL, Martin MG, Butte MJ, Parker NH, Wang RT, Shieh PB, Wong DA, Gallant N, Singh KE, Tavyev Asher YJ, Sinsheimer JS, Krakow D, Loo SK, Allard P, Papp JC; Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Palmer CGS, Martinez-Agosto JA, Nelson SF. Diagnostic utility of transcriptome sequencing for rare Mendelian diseases. Genet Med. 2020 Mar;22(3):490-499. doi: 10.1038/s41436-019-0672-1


Chen Y, Panter B, Hussein A, Gibbs K, Ferreira D, Allard P. BPA interferes with StAR-mediated mitochondrial cholesterol transport to induce germline dysfunctions. Reprod Toxicol. 2019 Aug 21;90:24-32. doi: 10.1016/j.reprotox.2019.08.001.

Dubois M, Louvel S, Le Goff A, Guaspare C, Allard P. Epigenetics in the public sphere: interdisciplinary perspectives. Environ Epigenet. 2019 Oct 24;5(4):dvz019. doi: 10.1093/eep/dvz019. eCollection 2019 Oct.

Frésard L, Smail C, Ferraro NM, Teran NA, Li X, Smith KS, Bonner D, Kernohan KD, Marwaha S, Zappala Z, Balliu B, Davis JR, Liu B, Prybol CJ, Kohler JN, Zastrow DB, Reuter CM, Fisk DG, Grove ME, Davidson JM, Hartley T, Joshi R, Strober BJ, Utiramerur S; Undiagnosed Diseases Network; Care4Rare Canada Consortium, Lind L, Ingelsson E, Battle A, Bejerano G, Bernstein JA, Ashley EA, Boycott KM, Merker JD, Wheeler MT, Montgomery SB. Identification of rare-disease genes using blood transcriptome sequencing and large control cohorts. Nat Med. 2019 Jun;25(6):911-919. doi: 10.1038/s41591-019-0457-8. Epub 2019 Jun 3.

Silverman EK, Allard P, Loscalzo J, Mulvihill JJ, Korrick SA. Undiagnosed Diseases Network.Reported environmental exposures are inversely associated with obtaining a genetic diagnosis in the Undiagnosed Diseases Network. Am J Med Genet A. 2019 Jun;179(6):958-965. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.a.61132. Epub 2019 Mar 23.

Shu L, Meng Q, Diamante G, Tsai B, Chen YW, Mikhail A, Luk H, Ritz B, Allard P, Yang X. Prenatal Bisphenol A Exposure in Mice Induces Multi-tissue Multi-omics Disruptions Linking to Cardiometabolic Disorders. Endocrinology. 2019 Feb 1;160(2):409-429. doi: 10.1210/en.2018-00817.


Camacho J, Allard P. Histone Modifications: Epigenetic Mediators of Environmental Exposure Memory. Epigenet Insights. 2018 Oct 14;11:2516865718803641. doi: 10.1177/2516865718803641. eCollection 2018. PMID: 30443644

Splinter K, Adams DR, Bacino CA, Bellen HJ, Bernstein JA, Cheatle-Jarvela AM, Eng CM, Esteves C, Gahl WA, Hamid R, Jacob HJ, Kikani B, Koeller DM, Kohane IS, Lee BH, Loscalzo J, Luo X, McCray AT, Metz TO, Mulvihill JJ, Nelson SF, Palmer CGS, Phillips JA 3rd, Pick L, Postlethwait JH, Reuter C, Shashi V, Sweetser DA, Tifft CJ, Walley NM, Wangler MF, Westerfield M, Wheeler MT, Wise AL, Worthey EA, Yamamoto S, Ashley EA; Undiagnosed Diseases Network. Effect of Genetic Diagnosis on Patients with Previously Undiagnosed Disease. N Engl J Med. 2018 Nov 29;379(22):2131-2139. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1714458. Epub 2018 Oct 10.

Camacho J, Truong L, Kurt Z, Chen YW, Morselli M, Gutierrez G, Pellegrini M, Yang X, Allard P. The Memory of Environmental Chemical Exposure in C. elegans Is Dependent on the Jumonji Demethylases jmjd-2 and jmjd-3/utx-1. Cell Reports, Volume 23, Issue 8, 2392 - 2404

Angrish MM, Allard P, McCullough SD, Druwe IL, Helbling Chadwick L, Hines E, Chorley BN. Epigenetic Applications in Adverse Outcome Pathways and Environmental Risk Evaluation. Environ Health Perspect. 2018 Apr 12;126(4):045001. doi: 10.1289/EHP2322.

Oláhová M, Yoon WH, Thompson K, Jangam S, Fernandez L, Davidson JM, Kyle JE, Grove ME, Fisk DG, Kohler JN, Holmes M, Dries AM, Huang Y, Zhao C, Contrepois K, Zappala Z, Frésard L, Waggott D, Zink EM, Kim YM, Heyman HM, Stratton KG, Webb-Robertson BM; Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Snyder M, Merker JD, Montgomery SB, Fisher PG, Feichtinger RG, Mayr JA, Hall J, Barbosa IA, Simpson MA, Deshpande C, Waters KM, Koeller DM, Metz TO, Morris AA, Schelley S, Cowan T, Friederich MW, McFarland R, Van Hove JLK, Enns GM, Yamamoto S, Ashley EA, Wangler MF, Taylor RW, Bellen HJ, Bernstein JA, Wheeler MT. Biallelic Mutations in ATP5F1D, which Encodes a Subunit of ATP Synthase, Cause a Metabolic Disorder. Am J Hum Genet. 2018 Mar 1;102(3):494-504. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2018.01.020. Epub 2018 Feb 22.


HF Chen, CE Wu, CW Yu, KW Chang, WH Chou, CY Lu, E Ghelfi, FC Wu, PS Jan, MC Huang, P Allard, SP Lin, HN Ho. Comparative global immune-related gene profiling of somatic cells, human pluripotent stem cells and their derivatives: implication for human lymphocyte proliferation. Exp Mol Med. 2017 Sep 15;49(9):e376.

Zaunbrecher V, Beryt E, Parodi D, Telesca D, Doherty J, Malloy T, Allard P. Has Toxicity Testing moved into the 21st Century? A Survey and Analysis of Perceptions in the Field of Toxicology. Environmental Health Perspectives. DOI:10.1289/EHP1435

J Wang, R Al-Ouran, Y Hu, SY Kim, YW Wan, MF Wangler, S Yamamoto, et. MARRVEL: Integration of Human and Model Organism Genetic Resources to Facilitate Functional Annotation of the Human Genome. The American Journal of Human Genetics 100 (6), 843-853. 2017.

T Malloy, V Zaunbrecher, E Beryt, R Judson, R Tice, P Allard, A Blake, et al. Advancing alternatives analysis: The role of predictive toxicology in selecting safer chemical products and processes. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. 2017.

RB Ramoni, JJ Mulvihill, DR Adams, P Allard, EA Ashley, JA Bernstein, et al. The Undiagnosed Diseases Network: Accelerating Discovery about Health and Disease.The American Journal of Human Genetics 100 (2), 185-192. 2017.

K Schoch, L Meng, S Szelinger, DR Bearden, A Stray-Pedersen, OL Busk, et al. A Recurrent De Novo Variant in NACC1 Causes a Syndrome Characterized by Infantile Epilepsy, Cataracts, and Profound Developmental Delay. The American Journal of Human Genetics 100 (2), 343-351. 2017.

HT Chao, M Davids, E Burke, JG Pappas, JA Rosenfeld, AJ McCarty, et al. A syndromic neurodevelopmental disorder caused by de novo variants in EBF3. The American Journal of Human Genetics 100 (1), 128-137. 2017.

DB Zastrow, PA Zornio, A Dries, J Kohler, L Fernandez, D Waggott, et al. Exome sequencing identifies de novo pathogenic variants in FBN1 and TRPS1 in a patient with a complex connective tissue phenotype. Molecular Case Studies 3 (1), a001388. 2017.


V Shashi, LDM Pena, K Kim, B Burton, M Hempel, K Schoch, et al. De novo truncating variants in ASXL2 are associated with a unique and recognizable clinical phenotype. The American Journal of Human Genetics 99 (4), 991-999. 2016.

Yichang Chen, Le Shu, Zhiqun Qiu, Dong Yeon Lee, Sara J Settle, Shane Que Hee, Donatello Telesca, Xia Yang, Patrick Allard. Exposure to the BPA-Substitute Bisphenol S Causes Unique Alterations of Germline Function. PLOS Genetics 12 (7), e1006223. 2016.

A Bashamboo, PA Donohoue, E Vilain, S Rojo, P Calvel, SN Seneviratne, et al. A recurrent p. Arg92Trp variant in steroidogenic factor-1 (NR5A1) can act as a molecular switch in human sex development. Human molecular genetics 25 (16), 3446-3453. 2016

Lundby Z, Camacho J, Allard P. Fast functional germline and epigenetic assays in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. In High Throughput Toxicity Assays: Methods and Protocols. Springer 2016. Chapter.


Allard P. “Emerging Toxicity Models from Emerging Scientists” Toxicology research. 4(3):545-547. Perspective article. * Featured in “New Talents” issue.

Parodi DA, Chen Y, Sarif J, Allard P. “Reproductive toxicity and meiotic dysfunction following exposure to the pesticides Maneb, Diazinon and Fenarimol”. Toxicology Research. 4(3):645-654. * Featured in “New Talents” issue. 2015.

Ferreira D, Allard P. “Models of germ cell development and their application for toxicity studies”. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis. PMID: 25821157. Review. 2015.

Parodi DA, Damoiseaux R, Allard P. “Comprehensive assessment of germline chemical toxicity using the nematode 1 Caenorhabditis elegans”. J. Vis. Exp. (96), e52445, doi:10.3791/52445. 2015.


Ferreira D, Chen Y, Allard P. “Use of the alternative model system C. elegans in developmental and Reproductive Toxicology”. In Developmental & Reproductive Toxicology (ed. Dr Ali Faqi). Springer. Chapter. 2014.


Allard P. Biomarkers of Bisphenol A Toxicity. In Biomarkers in Toxicology (ed. Dr Ramesh Gupta). Elsevier Inc. Chapter. 2013.

Allard P, Kleinstreuer N, Knudsen T, Colaiacovo MP. A screening platform for the rapid assessment of chemical disruption of germline function. Environmental Health Perspectives. Jun;121(6):717-24. 2013.


Allard P, Colaiacovo MP. Mechanistic insights into the action of Bisphenol A on the germline using C. elegans. Cell Cycle. Jan 15;10(2):183-4. Review. 2011.

Allard P, Colaiacovo MP. Bisphenol A: metabolism, mechanisms and toxicity. In Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology (ed. Ramesh C. Gupta). Elsevier Inc. Chapter. 2011.


Allard P, Colaiacovo MP. Bisphenol A impairs the double-strand break repair machinery in the germline and causes chromosome abnormalities. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. Nov 23; 107(47): 20405-10010. *Featured in JAMA. 2011;305(1):28.

Yang Q*, Allard P*, Huang M, Zheng W, Clarke HJ. Proteasomal activity is required to initiate and to sustain translational activation of messenger RNA encoding the Stem-Loop-Binding Protein during meiotic maturation in mice. Biology of Reproduction. Jan;82(1):123-31. 2010.


Allard P, Tabin CJ. Achieving bilateral symmetry during vertebrate limb development. Seminars in Cell & Developmental Biology. Jun;20(4):479-84. Review. 2009.


Nissim S, Allard P, Bandyopadhyay A, Harfe BD, Tabin CJ. Characterization of a novel ectodermal signaling center regulating Tbx2 and Shh in the vertebrate limb. Developmental Biology. Apr 1;304(1):9-21. 2007.


Villaescusa JC, Allard P, Carminati E, Kontogiannea M, Talarico D, Blasi F, Farookhi R, Verrotti AC. Clast4, the murine homologue of human 4E-T, is expressed and post-translationally regulated during follicular development. Gene. Feb 15; 367:101-9. 2006.


Allard P, Young Q, Marzluff WF, Clarke HJ. Stem-Loop Binding Protein accumulation during meiotic maturation is required for normal histone synthesis and embryonic chromatin assembly. Developmental Biology. Oct 1;286(1):195-206. 2005.


Allard P*, Champigny MJ*, Skoggard S*, Erkmann JA, Whitfield ML, Marzluff WF, Clarke HJ. Stem-loop binding protein accumulates during oocyte maturation and is not cell-cycle-regulated in the early mouse embryo. Journal of Cell Science. Dec 1; 4577-86. 2002.


© 2025 by Patrick Allard

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